Monthly Archives: December 2013

BitCoins, LiteCoins etc…

So, I have been spending a many nights read all about BitCoins and LiteCoins and other crypt-currency lately.

I am thinking of starting a crypt-currency group where anyone can join with a small monitory stake.images5

Mining for these coins is no longer something that anyone can do alone and make it profitable.? All mining is being done in various size groups.? The larger the group the faster you get a payment but the total is lower that mining in a small group.? Mining is a small group may bring in a better profit will take much longer.

Also there are many ways to deal with these coins, mining as individual, mining in a pool or group, combined mining in pools or buying and selling the coins on the many exchanges.

I have been taking the time to read and learn all I can about this coin stuff and there is a LOT to learn.

From talking in different forums with people dealing with this new frontier, I find that the best possible advise is to not go it alone. Join a pool or two read on one or more mining forums daily, check on the current hash rates, values and hardware requirements needed to make this a win-win possibility.

In the next couple of days I should a have a new website setup to address this new opportunity to make some money.? When I have the website ready I will be posting about it and the URL to where it can be found.? Until then I hope you all have a happy and safe holiday season!